Discover the Benefits of Red Light Therapy

Leaders in Chiropractic Medicine in Glen Ellyn, IL

Dr. Mark Wesely and Dr. Michelle Wesely own and direct the Wesely Family Chiropractic in Glen Ellyn, IL. These highly acclaimed certified functional medicine practitioners have a long list of services they provide to their patients in Glen Ellyn and surrounding areas.

One service they want the public to know about is Red Light Therapy and its benefits for the patients receiving it.

What Are the Benefits of Red Light Therapy?

Red Light Therapy uses a low wavelength red light to improve certain conditions. Red Light Therapy comes under other names, such as,

  • Low-level laser light therapy
  • Low-power laser therapy
  • Non-thermal LED light
  • Soft laser therapy
  • Cold laser therapy
  • Biostimulation, photonic stimulation
  • Photobiomodulation and phototherapy

Your body's cells contain mitochondria, otherwise known as energy cells. Red Light Therapy helps the cells work more efficiently in repairing skin, boosting new cell production, and enhancing skin rejuvenation. Red Light Therapy works on the skin and is helpful in many other conditions.

  • Stimulates collagen production to strengthen and add elasticity
  • Increases fibroblast production, which in turn makes collagen
  • Improves blood circulation to the tissue
  • Works to decrease inflammation in cells

Red Light Therapy shows promise in working to,

  • Improve wound healing
  • Reduce wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots
  • Reduce stretch marks
  • Improve facial texture
  • Improves eczema, rosacea, psoriasis
  • Lessen scars
  • Improves sun-damaged skin 
  • Increases hair growth in alopecia cases
  • Improves acne

Even though researchers are seeking more research on the following, some practitioners use Red Light Therapy in weight loss, cancer, cellulite removal, depression, seasonal affective disorder, chemotherapy side effects, pain and inflammation in ankle tendonitis, carpal tunnel, and arthritis types, and in preventing recurring common cold sores.

Another benefit of RLT is that it is safe, has no side effects, is not toxic, is not invasive, and is not a harsh treatment like common topical skin treatments, ultraviolet light, or tanning booths. The lights used in RLT are harmless and show success.

When used too much or incorrectly, everything good could negatively affect the body. In other words, too much of a good thing is not good. The rule of thumb is, do not use RLT at home. It is best to seek the expertise of a qualified professional.

Is Red Light Therapy for You?

Always be cautious and seek professional opinions about any condition you want to use Red Light Therapy. Call Dr. Mark Wesely and Dr. Michelle Wesely today at (630) 790-3335 at the Wesely Family Chiropractic in Glen Ellyn, IL. Our doctors can direct you to your safest treatment option. Discuss our RLT and find out if this therapy is right for you. Much of the proof and success of RLT is in patient outcomes.

Leaders in Chiropractic Medicine in Glen Ellyn, IL

Dr. Mark Wesely and Dr. Michelle Wesely own and direct the Wesely Family Chiropractic in Glen Ellyn, IL. These highly acclaimed certified functional medicine practitioners have a long list of services they provide to their patients in Glen Ellyn and surrounding areas.

One service they want the public to know about is Red Light Therapy and its benefits for the patients receiving it.

What Are the Benefits of Red Light Therapy?

Red Light Therapy uses a low wavelength red light to improve certain conditions. Red Light Therapy comes under other names, such as,

  • Low-level laser light therapy
  • Low-power laser therapy
  • Non-thermal LED light
  • Soft laser therapy
  • Cold laser therapy
  • Biostimulation, photonic stimulation
  • Photobiomodulation and phototherapy

Your body's cells contain mitochondria, otherwise known as energy cells. Red Light Therapy helps the cells work more efficiently in repairing skin, boosting new cell production, and enhancing skin rejuvenation. Red Light Therapy works on the skin and is helpful in many other conditions.

  • Stimulates collagen production to strengthen and add elasticity
  • Increases fibroblast production, which in turn makes collagen
  • Improves blood circulation to the tissue
  • Works to decrease inflammation in cells

Red Light Therapy shows promise in working to,

  • Improve wound healing
  • Reduce wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots
  • Reduce stretch marks
  • Improve facial texture
  • Improves eczema, rosacea, psoriasis
  • Lessen scars
  • Improves sun-damaged skin 
  • Increases hair growth in alopecia cases
  • Improves acne

Even though researchers are seeking more research on the following, some practitioners use Red Light Therapy in weight loss, cancer, cellulite removal, depression, seasonal affective disorder, chemotherapy side effects, pain and inflammation in ankle tendonitis, carpal tunnel, and arthritis types, and in preventing recurring common cold sores.

Another benefit of RLT is that it is safe, has no side effects, is not toxic, is not invasive, and is not a harsh treatment like common topical skin treatments, ultraviolet light, or tanning booths. The lights used in RLT are harmless and show success.

When used too much or incorrectly, everything good could negatively affect the body. In other words, too much of a good thing is not good. The rule of thumb is, do not use RLT at home. It is best to seek the expertise of a qualified professional.

Is Red Light Therapy for You?

Always be cautious and seek professional opinions about any condition you want to use Red Light Therapy. Call Dr. Mark Wesely and Dr. Michelle Wesely today at (630) 790-3335 at the Wesely Family Chiropractic in Glen Ellyn, IL. Our doctors can direct you to your safest treatment option. Discuss our RLT and find out if this therapy is right for you. Much of the proof and success of RLT is in patient outcomes.

Wesely Family Chiropractic

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